Affiliate Disclaimer

Hey there!  It’s Andrew.  I really believe in being upfront and transparent.  So in the spirit of transparency I am disclosing that I may earn an affiliate commission for purchases that you make from certain links on on this site. participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that allows us to earn advertising fees when linking to products offered on

Let me make a few points here:

  1. You will pay the same price for products.
  2. Your purchases support the work of Roast and Reason and help pay the bills and keep the lights on.
  3. Every coffee or product that I recommend I have personally tried, tasted, or used.  In other words, I’m recommending them because I enjoy them and want to share with you.
  4. The VAST majority of things I recommend on this site are not associated with an affiliate program.


My priority always has been and will be to educate and entertain you and be your guide to specialty coffee.